Guru Nanak and two students or Why Good Things Happen to Bad People


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Thread reminded me of this sakhi.

source:Guru Nanak and two students - SikhiWiki, free Sikh encyclopedia.

Guru Nanak and two students

Two friends heard that Guru Nanak was giving a series of lectures and decided to attend. The first soon became a devoted student. He attended every lecture and tried to put what he learned to use in his daily life.

The other came, but only out of curiosity. He soon became attracted to a woman who entertained men for a living. He would leave home every evening with his friend, telling every one he was going to listen to Guru Nanak. But when he was out of sight he would turn off and go to be with this woman.

One day while they were leaving, this second man found a gold mohur in the path. He joyfully picked it up and hurried away to enjoy it with his lady friend.

The first man continued on, only to hurt himself on a thorn. When he had recovered sufficiently, he went to Guru Nanak and complained. "How is it that a man who spends his evenings with such a woman finds a gold coin, and a man who tries his best to live the right life is badly injured?"

Guru Nanak answered, "What comes to each man, good or bad, is due to his own actions. When the two of you first came, each of you had a result coming due. You were due to pay a debt by dying, impaled on a great stake. Your friend was due to receive a gift, to find a pot of golden mohurs. By the grace of the True Guru as much of your debt as possible was paid. You were able to pay off the balance with a small injury. By the grace of a dancing girl most of your friend's gift was squandered. He was paid off with only one coin."

Another version - Source:Why Good Things Happen to Bad People : Changing Destiny

Why Good Things Happen to Bad People

Once there were two friends, one was a Gurmukh and the other a Manmukh. Their friendship was deep but Gurmukh believed in God while Manmukh did not. Gurmukh would wake up early in the morning, take a bath and recite the holy hymns while Manmukh would still be in bed sound asleep.

Once they were going on a journey through he forest. As they were passing through the forest Manmukh found a bag of coal. He was very happy because he could sell it and make some money. As they further walked while talking about how lucky Manmukh was to find the bag of coal, Gurmukh screamed with pain. It appeared that a splinter went in Gurmukh’s leg. While Gurmukh was in pain, Manmukh started laughing. Gurmukh was surprise and asked him that why was he laughing. Manmukh said, “You have been worshipping God everyday and what you got is a splinter in your leg. I have never worshipped God and I still got a bag full of coal from which I can make money.”

An old wise man happened to me passing them when he heard Manmukh’s comments. The old man had a big ironic smile on his face. Manmukh was astonished when he saw the old man smile. Manmukh asked the old man to what was he smiling? The old man replied, “You are naïve. You do not worship God. You were destined to find a bag of diamonds today if you have been worshipping God. And Gurmukh, you were destigned to die at the moment you got the splinter in your leg. Because you have been worshipping God, the pain of death simply turned into a splinter.”
