Are we loosing our identity?


Staff member
Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

Every other day we get news about sikhs converting to other religion either by trick or otherwise. We hear about the muslims trying to covert sikhs by giving a monetary reward. We hear ex sikhs praising other religion which transformed their life by performing miracle on them and their immediate family. Our youngsters not being able to communiate in punjabi but speak english only. Our youngsters even both sikhs when meet one another communicate in English when others emphasise the speaking and practising of their religion strictly. Sikhs cutting their hair, not going to the gurdwara. Only go if there is a wedding or family function etc. the other day I came across a Hindu website which criticise the sikhs and one of them said these words " There will be day when their women will either marry us or be converted by the muslims. They will only be remembered as people who once existed". This is really frightening. Are we heading towards this disaster? Are we going to be people who once existed like the INCA or Mayan?

