The Despicable Ego


Staff member
I declare I am a developing atheist.
I am a receding egoist.
I am a rebel at heart.

For the past 5 years of my life I have constantly analyzed myself and have realized the roots of my problems to be rooted within myself. Through my carefull, careless poring over my self, I have often struck out against the adamanitum wall of religion. I have often found great hypocrisy in other religions and with great regret (not really), I have found a great philosophical and physical problem in Sikhism (Yes, I am a sikh child, teenager to specific for all you looking into my teenage angst).
To the point now: in my sporadic attendences at the local Gurudwaras and several Gurmukhi Camps, I have heard from the Bhai Sahab many lectures (too dramatic?) on Homein (Ego). I realized that Sikhism places great emphasis on the evils of Ego. I also realized that I was greatly egotisitc.
Over the years I have worked hard within to fight off the evil and vile ego (no, I am not implying sarcasm). I have become far humbler now than I was that first day at the camp when it dawned upon me that ego was my problem, that I was fighting everday a losing war against with the other me.
Anways, the problem, one I pose to you all is: Ego implies a aserting a distinction between you and me. Ego is identity. Ego is in its barest the only idea which make one, one. Lets forget all condescion and the usual.

The key facet ( if only from a physical standpoint) of Sikhism, the hair, the turban, etc. clearly identify us Sikhs from all people (at least the Majority). How is that since the Gurus preached us to reduce Ego, they later make us distinct. Not blaming them, why is that where ever I go in Sikh society, the import of our Sikh Identity (you know what I speak of) is so highly touted, romanticised, and brainwashed into us. Aren't we, by the idea of Ego, all the master egotists if we flaunt our turbans, kesh, etc. as a symbol of us. Or is this modern flaunting just our displacement against a world which has moved away from the naturalist theologies?


